This week in Fundamentals, we'll be continuing to look at the effects of massage, and we will have a look at Indications for massage.
An indication for massage can be considered a reason why you should give someone a massage (as a pose to a contraindication which is a reason why you should not). Indications are strongly related to the effects of massage.
Assessment due: Task 2 - a blog post on the effects of massage is due by the end of the week.
Weekly tasks- Reading: Salvo - Read How safe is massage (p. 87-88), Skim through the effects of massage (p. 88-93)
- Read Salvo - Indications for massage (p. 93-96). As you're reading this section, consider how it relates to what we discussed in last week's elluminate session on the effects of massage.
- Monday's elluminate session 2-3pm
Indications for massage
- Read Salvo - Swedish massage movements (p. 142-172), paying particular attention to the benefits of each massage stroke. Also notice how many different ways there are of doing each type of massage stroke. Are there many that you haven't tried using yet in your massages?
- Thursday's elluminate session 10-11am
Effects of massage strokes